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Our Blog is Up!

Regency Society of Virginia | Published on 11/23/2020
While the link to the page has been up for a while without content, we are pleased to announce that our historical blog, "A (Common)Wealth of Information" has its first post.  Our initial post was contributed by scientist and RSV member, Anna Miller, and explores the debate in the early 19th century that helped establish principles in the field of geology that are still relevant today.  Learn more about how "The Regency Rocks" in her blog post here!

Speaking of which, are you interested in writing for our blog?  We welcome all sorts of subjects which touch on early 19th century history, including topics that are relevant to our period--such as historical tourism, budget-friendly tips for enhancing your Regency wardrobe, or improving your impression.  Members can register their interest in helping out by clicking on the Volunteering Opportunity link after logging in or e-mailing us at